豐隆專業汽車音響,桃園汽車音響 Automotive are main dealers for CAR Audio , car audio equipment and speakers, amongst other leading brands of in car entertainment.
經營項目:車用影音系統 喇叭 重低音 擴大機....等
經營理念:以客為尊..把客人的車當自己的愛車 施工
Our new showroom has demonstration stands offering the very latest in car products from simple to multimedia and navigation systems.
Listen to our awesome car audio system..
Come and listen to our new Demonstration cars fitted out with awesome Speakers and Subwoofers, hear the difference high quality speakers can make!
主要販售商品:車用影音系統 喇叭 重低音 擴大機....等
販售商品特色:以先迪利為主體 PUNCH..MTL..MACROM..FOCUS...等各大廠牌
提供服務特色:車用影音系統 車門喇叭 重低音 擴大機 安裝施工..
桃園市桃園區 豐隆車用音響
電話:03 336 0009
手機:0932 170 390
03 336 0009